Landa Digital Printing
Landa S10 - World's First
Nanographic Printing Press

Landa Digital Printing
Landa Digital Printing produces digital printing presses for the mainstream commercial printing, packaging and publishing markets.
LDP’s Nanographic Printing® technology offers the highest speed, highest quality and most versatile digital printing in the industry.
Over $1.1 billion has thus far been invested in LDP, by its four shareholders, Benny Landa, SKion GmbH, ALTANA GmbH, and Winder Investment Pte Ltd.

Landa Digital Printing: Snapshot 2024

Total addressable market Potentially capturable by Landa Nanographic Printing Presses
Invested by it's shareholders
Patents covering Nanography - a cutting edge new digital printing technology
Presses in operation at customer sites across the globe, including ~20% repeat orders

Product lines
S11 for folding carton
S11P for commercial printing;
W11 for flexible packaging
(in development)
Employees worldwide including 250 strong R&D team (mostly scientists & engineers)
Highly profitable razor/razor-blade model

Revenues doubling annually

Landa Digital Printing Video
Landa Digital printing has developed a revolutionary nanotechnology-based printing process called Nanography®, which powers its game-changing Nanographic Printing® presses worldwide.
Nanography is the most advanced digital priting technology in the market, offering the industry’s highest quality, highest speed and highest productivity.
This video provides insights into Landa’s breakthrough technology and the disruptive impact it is having on the printing industry worldwide.


Sun Grown Diamonds
Lusix produces highest quality lab-grown diamonds for the gemstone market.
Lusix is fully vertically integrated, from research and development to the engineering and production of its own custom-built reactors, to growing the world’s only pyramid-shape rough diamonds, valued for their very high yield.
Lusix is 100% solar powered, marketing its stones as “Sun Grown Diamonds”.
Lusix is a Landa Group company, with additional investors including LVMH Luxury Ventures, Ragnar Investments, More Investments and others.

Lusix pyramid-shape rough diamonds are valued for ther very high yield
Lusix: Snapshot 2024


Sustainability Certified

Solar Powered

Lusix - Video
Learn how Lusix grows the world's highest quality diamonds - powered by the sun!
Visit Lusix's fully vertically-integrated factories, which grow the world's only pyramid-shape rough diamonds.


Solar Cell Metallization
Lumet has developed a breakthrough metallization technology for enhancing the efficiency and lowering the cost of PV solar cell production.
By replacing silver pastes, screen printers and dryers, Lumet offers the industry’s simplest and lowest cost (CAPEX and OPEX) metallization technology.
At 10,000 cells per hour, Lumet is by far the industry’s highest speed PV metallization technology.

Lumet metallization technology for PV
solar cells - video
This video reveals the remarkable technology behind Lumet's record-setting high efficiency, low cost, and high speed metallization system.
It explains how Lumet is able to replace screen printers and dryers, eliminating pastes and waste, with a simple, compact, automated process, offering both the industry's lowest CAPEX and lowest OPEX.


Additive Manufacturing for Electronics
NanoMetalix Flash 200 Digital PCB Production System, is the industry’s only additive manufacturing tool for digital production of mainstream printed circuit boards.
The ultra-high speed Flash 200 enables the production of multi-layer PCB's in only minutes – with specifications similar to those of conventionally-produced boards, including copper-based traces and filled-epoxy dielectric layers.
With very low CAPEX and OPEX, NanoMetalix is positioned to disrupt the PCB industry.

NanoMetalix FLASH 200
Digital additive manufacturing systems for multi-layer printed circuits
Very high speed process enables PCB production for mainstream markets.
PCB characteristics comparable to current FR4-based boards enables broad industry acceptance.

Market applications
Printed Circuit Boards

IC Substrates
Thin Film Devices

Main Characteristics
Conductive traces:
copper-based (60% conductivity of bulk copper)
Dielectric layer:
glass-filled epoxy / polyimide / ceramic / other